Best Summer Vegetables to Grow in Pakistan - Apnaugao
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Best Summer Vegetables to Grow in Pakistan

Now summers are at its peak. Grow summer vegetables in your garden and enjoy them. These vegetables are cool, rich in vitamin, fiber and minerals; also protects you from overheating and dehydration.

In summer season we can grow variety of vegetables. As listed below:

1- Tomatoes:

Tomatoes are summer annual vegetables. Tomato seeds should be planted indoors between March to June. Tomatoes can be grown in pot easily. Here’s the steps to grow tomatoes in pots.

  • Firstly sow the tomatoes seeds ¼ inches deep in a seedling trays or 3 to 4 inches deep in a small pots.
  • Except heavy clayey soils, tomatoes can be grown in almost every kind of garden soils. Tomatoes grows best in soil pH ranging from 6.0 to 6.8.
  • Tomatoes seeds requires temperature ranges between 21 to 27℃ (70 to 80℉). Keep the pots in a warm dark place for best germination results; seedling will appear in 10-14 days.
  • Very less water is required till seed germination. Use a spray bottle to keep the soil top moist. Increase the airflow of the soil if soil is too moist because it will damage the seedling.
  • Tomatoes plant are delicate so protect it from heavy winds.
  • Give support to the large plants to prevent lodging as they do not have strong stem.

2- Capsicum:

Capsicum is a summer season annual vegetable crop. Capsicum is available in many colors like green, red, yellow and even orange. It can be grown it garden pots. How to plant and grow capsicum from seed

  • Plant capsicum seeds in seedling trays twice the size of the seed in the soil.
  • They germinates well when temperature is between 18-25°C. They need 4-5 hours of direct sunlight.
  • Water he seedling tray; keeping in view it should be moist not wet.
  • Seedling will germinate in 2-3weeks in warm bright place.
  • They requires light and well aerated soils so plant the seedling in well prepared soil rich in organic matter.
  • Stake the plant when it starts bearing fruit it will support he plant otherwise it may lodge.

3- Beans:

Beans are warm season vegetable crop for home gardening.  Here’s some key point should be kept in mind while growing at home.


  • Plant the beans in early spring because frost can adversely affect the germinate rate. Beans grows best when temperature is 18-30°C.
  • Beans takes almost 7-10days for germination; temperature of soil below 10°C slow the germination rate.
  • They grow well in plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil with acidic to neutral pH 6-7 pH.
  • Bean plants do not like transplanting so sow directly in your garden. It has shallow roots that can be damaged easily.
  • Do not water the plant excessively because it is sensitive to water logging.
  • Harvest the pods when they are fully ripe and turn into yellow. 

4- Brinjal:

Brinjal is a hardy crop. It is perennial summer vegetable crop and growing them in containers isn’t complicated. It is a medium sized bush can be grown in limited space easily.

  • Sow the brinjal seeds in the small pots or seedling trays twice the size of seed in the potting mix and water it thoroughly for germination.
  • Brinjal is a sun-loving plant which requires 6 hours of sunlight on mostly days. Its seedling emergences in 7-14 days at temperature range from 21-32°C.
  • It grows well in loamy, rich in organic matter and well aerated soil; slightly acidic to slightly alkaline in nature.
  • Moderate humidity is good for plants.
  • Water it regularly to keep the soil moist but not wet.
  • Harvest brinjals when they fully mature before the flesh become pithy.
  • Brinjal is sensitive to frost as compared to tomatoes and capsicum.

5- Chilies:

Chili is a summer season annual vegetable crop. Chilies are available in many colors like green, red, yellow and even orange. It can be grown it garden pots. How to plant and grow chili from seeds.

  • Plant chili seeds in seedling trays twice the size of the seed in the soil.
  • They germinates well when temperature is between 18-25°C. They need 4-5 hours of direct sunlight.
  • Water he seedling tray; keeping in view it should be moist not wet.
  • Seedling will germinate in 2-3weeks in warm bright place.
  • They requires light and well aerated soils so plant the seedling in well prepared soil rich in organic matter.
  • Stake the plant when it starts bearing fruit it will support he plant otherwise it may lodge.

6- Cucumber:

Cucumber is a summer season creeping vine which is highly nutritious. It is annual vegetable crop can easily grow in large sized pots. It is tricky to grow them at home but following the guide will make it bit easier. 

  • Sow cucumber seeds in germination trays and cover it with the soil. Keep this tray in shady area and water it gently.
  • It will germinate within 2 weeks. Transplant the seedlings in large sized pots and water them regularly.
  • Cucumbers love sunlight and water. So keep the pot in sunny position.
  • Soil should be fertile, rich loam, well drained and full of organic matter with ideal pH of 6-7.
  • Cucumber need support so use a trellis and grow them.
  • Avoid insect and pest attack by using neem khali.
  • Harvest the cucumber fruit when it mature; green and large size. 

7- Bottle Gourd:

Just like cucumber, bottle gourd is a vine crop and needs super for growth and fruiting. They easily grow in large pots in rich loamy soil with well drainage system.

  • Soak bottle gourd seeds overnight and sow them in germination tray and let them germinate.
  • It will take 6-8 days for germination. Let them grow then transplant into larger pots.
  • Soil should be acidic to neutral, fertile, well-drained and loamy soil.
  • Water them regularly. Apply organic manure and fertilizers.
  • As plant grow in size it needs support. Use trellies and sticks for their support.
  • It takes 3 months and gives fruitful harvest.


How to Take Care of your Summer Gardens in Pakistan
Vegetables To Grow In September in Pakistan

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